Malaysia’s Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) ended on the 9th of June and has been replaced by Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) which takes effect from 10th June till 31st August. During this phase, interstate travel is allowed, with the exception of areas which are placed under Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO). In fact, our PM has stated several times before that domestic travel is allowed and encouraged.
What does this mean then, for those of us who are keen to “travel” from Klang Valley up to the hills of Gohtong Jaya or Genting Highlands for our weekly drives?
Truth is, even during CMCO phase (when interstate travel was not yet allowed), there have been people who have continued on their weekend drives up Ulu Yam towards the Gohtong Jaya border (which has a police stop area) before making a u-turn to head back to Batang Kali for breakfast. Technically, you would not have crossed any borders — so no harm and no foul. When CMCO moved into the RMCO phase, many were happy to be able to head up to Gohtong for their regular breakfast fixes.
However, we’ve heard from the regulars that not everyone have successfully made it up, with a number of cars being forced to turn back. Personally, I’ve never had any problems getting up — I travel solo most of the time. However the group of cars I was with over the weekend (we were split into two groups); only three of the seven cars were allowed to enter Gohtong Jaya.
At the cable car bridge area, it was clear there were a number of cars who, like (the few of) us, successfully made it up.
Among the reasons given by the police at the stop area was that large group of sports cars or convoys were not allowed up. It seems that others were told that “some” sports cars were too loud and causing too much commotion, which elicited complaints from some of the residents. While I cannot validate the second statement, I’d like to stress the importance of not being an arse and to not annoy the locals. Remember, your individual act of stupidity could potentially cause issues for other enthusiasts.
There’s not much that we can add, to contribute to your “success rate” of getting through security. Just avoid crowds if possible — so if you’re in a group of more than 5 cars, it may be a good idea to stagger your starting times. Also, remember to be polite and courteous to the abang polis at the stop area.
Just in case you missed it, we’ve uploaded our weekend drive video on YouTube already: